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Penn Staters can multi-task

Published August 11. 2012 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

One of the first things you learn in college is how to do many things at the same time. It wasn't called multi-tasking when I was a Penn State student, but like most Penn Staters, I mastered it early.

Therefore, as a person who can handle many things at once, I would like to say to all of those who accuse Penn State supporters of not caring about Jerry Sandusky's victims, that I can, at the same moment in time, feel terrible for the monster's victims and want to ensure that no child's suffering is ever again missed at any institution or in any community while I also question the knee jerk reaction of the media, the NCAA, the Big Ten, and everyone else who has piled on Penn State in assigning punishments, sanctions, and blame when all of the court cases are not yet completed, when all of the pertinent information is not yet available, and when many key people have not yet been heard.

I can insist that ongoing investigations look at the entire timeline and the actions of every person who was involved with Sandusky's unfettered access to young boys (including the ones he adopted), not a cherry-picked few with glaring omissions like the only eyewitness, the leaders of the charitable organization he founded and the state department which allowed him to adopt seven children at the same time that I reach out to distressed fellow alumni to lend support in these difficult days.

I can feel deep sympathy for the young men who have come forward to convict the monster, and possibly even more for those who haven't had the courage to do so at the same time that I can decry the lack of investigative professionalism in the Freeh report and Louis Freeh's subsequent press conference in which he offered up huge conclusions not supported by factual data in his own report.

I can question how ANY human being could have walked away from witnessing any adult sexually abusing a child without taking immediate physical action at the same time that I can feel awful for Sue Paterno and her family for the way that the leaders of what should have been a grateful institution has turned on them and made their husband and father into a scapegoat to conceal their own inaction and inept handling of the situation from the very beginning.

I can feel deep satisfaction that the monster who abused those poor young boys will rot in jail for the rest of his life at the same time that I can be offended that the leaders of the school which 14 members of my family call "our school" did such a poor job of representing us in the public forum following their own pathetic handling of the whole awful situation.

I can weep for Sandusky's victims at the same time that I believe the current members of the Penn State football team to have been victimized for something they didn't do and feel badly for every student athlete at Penn State whose experience will be diminished by a reduction in football revenue which sustains virtually every other athletic program at Penn State.

I can shudder at the perverted acts described by Sandusky's victims at the same time that I shake with rage that the Penn State-hating head of the organization which is supposed to ensure that the rules of college athletics are followed would so abuse his organization's and his own power to "punish" Penn State for NOT breaking any of his organization's rules while encouraging vultures from other college football programs to pick at Paterno's remains by seducing players away from Penn State.

I can be proud of the Penn State students who have raised so much money for RAINN's rape crisis centers to help current and future victims throughout the country at the same time that I am thoroughly annoyed by every media moron who looks down his or her nose to declare that Penn State should have been less focused on football and more focused on academics when Penn State is the ONLY major university which has consistently done just that, at least since Joe Paterno took over the program.

I can shake my head in disbelief that a smiling monster fooled parents, children, community leaders, fellow coaches, law enforcement officials, his wife and family, and everyone else with whom he came in contact into thinking he was a "great guy" who cared about children at the same time that I shed bitter tears over what has been done to the legacy and accomplishments of a genuinely great man whom I loved, respected, and revered and STILL DO.

I can hate everything Jerry Sandusky did with every fiber of my being at the same time that I continue to be proud of my school and the traditions that MAKE us all Penn State.

And I can do ALL OF THAT AT THE SAME TIME, so don't insult my intelligence by suggesting that if I care about Penn State or decry the way Joe Paterno's legacy has been wrongly destroyed that I don't care about the suffering of Jerry Sandusky's victims.

WE ARE Penn State and we can multi-task with the best of them.

Donna Baver Rovito

Penn State Class of 1977,

BA Journalism

South Whitehall Township

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