Lisa Breiner weds Jonathan Shirvinski
Lisa Breiner, daughter of Mahlon and Ruth Breiner, Tamaqua, and Jonathan Shirvinski, son of Joseph and Rosemary Shirvinski, Barnesville, were united in marriage on June 30, 2012 at Zion's Lutheran Church in Tamaqua.
The Rev. Jeffrey Kistler of New Tripoli, officiated the double ring ceremony. The organist was Sandy Mehalko of Hometown. Brent Harris, Lehighton, was the vocalist.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose Brynn Novack to be her matron of honor. Bridesmaids included Lisa Mignano, Amy Danisavich, Kelly Stellato, Tracy Antonioli and Kelsey Torpey.
The bridegroom chose Joseph Shirvinski Jr. to serve as his best man. Ushers included Todd Breiner, Paul Shirvinski, Michael Murtin, Scott Alansky and Neil Fore.
A reception was held following the ceremony at Carmen's Country Inn in Drums. The newlyweds plans to honeymoon in Hawaii next summer.
A prenuptial party for the couple was held at LaDolce Casa in Tamaqua.
The new Mrs. Shirvinski holds bachelor's degrees in history, political science and social studies education from Bloomsburg University; and master's degrees in curriculum and instruction, and secondary education counseling from Kutztown University.
She is employed as a school counselor at Lower Macungie Middle School in the East Penn School District.
Mr. Shirvinski holds three bachelor degrees and two master's degrees from Bloomsburg University. He is employed as a biology teacher at Mahanoy Area School District.
The newlyweds currently reside in Tamaqua.