Telephone scam hits home
Dear editor:
Thanks for your recent editorial in the Times News regarding scams and the elderly. It was very well written and interesting.
My mother received phone calls from a Mister Winter a few weeks ago stating she won a few million dollars and a Mercedes and he instructed her to send him $500. I had a talk with her a long time ago about such scams but the person kept calling her back prompting her to go to Wal-mart and get the $500 and send it.
She did call the Jim Thorpe police department who said they could do nothing and told her to call the State Police. She did not do this however.
Last week when her male companion got his phone bill he was charged for all the calls by Mr. Winter. They were from a phone in Jamaica and totaled about $30. I wanted her to report this but she was hesitant. Finally, my mom's companion did call his phone company to dispute the charges from Jamaica and they took off the charges.
Again, thanks for the article.
Stephanie Miller
Lehighton, Pa.