You know you're getting older when the latest vice presidential candidate is younger than your sons.
The summer Olympic Games were a good show. The British hosts did themselves proud.
Want to improve you golf game? Try moving to Northern Ireland. Four of the top eight finishers in this year's PGA Championship hailed from Northern Ireland, including champion Rory McIlroy, who won the event by a record setting eight strokes.
I'm cheering for the team from Parsippany, N.J. to win the Little League World Series.
I'm a big NFL fan, but you won't catch me watching any pre-season games. I can't believe that fans actually pay big dollars to attend these practice sessions. And how would you have liked to have sat through that 3-0 Raiders victory over the Cowboys Monday night?
Cigarettes are now costing $62.50 a carton. If that's not incentive to quit, then what is?
Here's a pet peeve. Why do so many motorists straddle the center line when they're coming toward you? Stay to the right. We're not driving in Europe.
I read this in another publication this week and I liked it, so I'll pass it on.
The "good old days" weren't good because they were old; they were good because we were young.
First preseason football scrimmages are today. That's an exciting time for young athletes. Real games are only two weeks away.
At least five drownings in the Lehigh River this summer. It's been a sad season.
What tastes better than a fresh peach on a summer afternoon?
It was bound to happen. Treadmills for dogs are now the latest rage. How popular are they? One report says 3 million dogs across the country were using treadmills in the past year.
I haven't met anyone yet who says they'll be unable to vote in November's election because they don't have a valid ID. If I didn't read the TIMES NEWS, I would never have known that yawning is actually a way to cool off our brains. And here, all along, I thought a yawn was a way to let you know you didn't get enough sleep, or that you're bored.
The Sandusky sex abuse trial has cost Pennsylvania taxpayers $56,000 so far (mostly for security). I thought it would be a lot more.
Tell you who I'm going to miss this season, once the NFL gets under way. Hines Ward. The Pittsburgh receiver made the game a joy to watch. Number 86 seemed to always have a smile on his face, and he looked like he was really enjoying himself.
Most bizarre story of the week came out of Whitehall Township, where the bride-to-be allegedly stabbed her fiance to death only hours before their scheduled wedding.
I knew it was only a matter of time before someone suggested that Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter who is the world's fastest human, thanks to his performance in the London Olympics, consider playing in the NFL. Visions of Bolt rocketing past flat-footed defensive backs and catching long touchdown passes probably has some fans salivating. But, can he catch the ball, and can he take a hit? Those are the reasons that pure track stars almost never make it in the NFL.
The best looking helmets in the NFL? The St. Louis Rams, no doubt.
Hats off to Carrie and Gavin Jones of Texas. Carrie recently gave birth to five babies (three boys and two girls), and they were all delivered within five minutes. That's what you call express service.
Want to bet he gets it done? Billionaire Bill Gates wants to reinvent the toilet. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation held a competition to reinvent the toilet for the 2.5 billion people around the world who don't have access to modern sanitation. The world's next toilet must operate without running water, electricity or a septic system, not discharge pollutants, preferably capture energy or other resources, and operate at a cost of 5 cents a day.