With President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden barnstorming all over the country on the campaign trail, don't you wonder who's running the country while they're out trying to get re-elected? If you're out campaigning 100 percent of the time, it's pretty difficult to take care of business.
I don't know why, but the Hometown Wal-Mart seems to be a favorite target for shoplifters and burglars. Hardly a day goes by that there isn't an item in the news section or the police log regarding a theft at that store. And, when three crooks walked into the store earlier this week, armed with a crowbar and bolt cutter, didn't someone notice? Apparently not, the culprits got away with $10,000 worth of electronics.
No surprise here, but a recent survey, according to an Associated Press story, indicates that the least religious people are the stingiest when it comes to donating to charities.
Warmest congratulations to my colleague Bill O'Gurek and his wife, Siobhan, who became first-time grandparents this week. Welcome to the world's greatest fraternity.
Little Jack Robert checked in on Monday night, Aug, 20, weighing in at 6 pounds, two ounces and 19 inches long. Grandpop said he looked like he was the size of a football when he was scrunched up.
His parents are Erin and Steve Bariexca. Much happiness.
When's the last time we haven't had raging wildfires out west? It seems like they're a constant threat. You can't turn on the evening news without seeing video footage of forests burning and homes being destroyed.
Augusta National Golf Course finally opens its doors to women members. Condoleezza Rice is one of the first female members to join. It's a move long overdue. It only took 80 years.
Here's a guarantee. If replacement officials are used during the regular NFL season, like they're being used in preseason, there will be at least one coach every week who will blame his team's loss on a bad officiating call. Bet on it.
If preseason is any indication, Michael Vick won't make it through the NFL season without a major injury. His style of play is just too conducive to getting hurt.
Four rookie quarterbacks are slated to start the season for their respective NFL teams. When has that ever happened before? I'm betting never.
Fall pumpkins and cornstalks will soon be making their appearances as outside home decorations. As much as I hate to say it, fall is right around the corner. And, while fall itself isn't bad, it's still a prelude to winter. And that I don't like.
It's back to school Monday for all area kids. Depending on your attitude, it's either the most anticipated day of the year, or the most dreaded.
The new biography about Joe Paterno, just published, will be a best-seller. People aren't ready to let go of the Sandusky scandal yet and this book will focus on Paterno's final days and his dealing with the scandal.
A ripe, juicy peach is my favorite summertime fruit. A gala apple is second on the list.
Roger Clemens has signed a contract with the Sugar Land Skeeters of the Independent Atlantic League and is scheduled to pitch tonight, after five years out of baseball. Wonder if he had to take a drug test before he takes the mound?
Remember when the U.S. used to dominate the boxing competition in the Summer Olympics? This year no American boxer even won a medal. Shows you how far the sport has fallen in this country.
Possessing child pornography is taken very seriously by the courts, as well it should be. If you happen to be a cop who has child porn in his possession, it's especially serious.
This week a federal judge in Harrisburg sentenced former Mount Carmel police officer Blaine R. Handerhan, 56, to spend eight years in federal prison and pay a $75,000 fine.
Prosecutors said the ex-policeman had 147,070 images and 1,252 video files in his possession.