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Opposed to zip line project

Published December 08. 2012 09:03AM

Dear Editor:

As residents of Bear Creek Lakes for 27 years we are writing to say we would like to voice our opposition to the Navitat zip line project.

We fought against a school being built across from our beautiful lake.The traffic from the school buses,noise from the football field, another recreation building that were going to be built across the road from our development would have ruined the reason for buying land in this beautiful quiet area where you have beautiful woods, wildlife,and excellent vacation spots.

We think because we pay such high taxes in this area we have the right to have a say in what is being in this area. Another question that comes up is who is responsible for the up keep of the roads? PENN FOREST TOWNSHIP?

Thanks for reading

Harry and EdieFetterman

Bear Creek Lakes

Penn Forest Township

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