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Polk Township news

Published December 20. 2012 05:03PM

Salem St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Salem St. Paul will have three services on Christmas Eve. They will be at 4:30, 7 and 10 p.m.

The 2013 offering envelopes will now have three categories: Operating Expense, Mission Support Benevolence, and Improvement. Operating Expenses are the monies used to pay bills, salaries, heating oil, office supplies, etc. These expenses keep the church operating and functioning. Operating Expenses also include the Ministry areas: Worship, Learning, Caring, and Outreach. The Operating Expenses make up the largest portion of the church budget.

The Improvement category is used to pay expenses that involve the maintenance of the property. The "new" category is Mission Support/Benevolence. These monies go towards helping their Synod with many opportunities for outreach. Some examples are: World Hunger, disaster response, anti-malaria initiative, providing support for pastors and congregations, youth ministry teams, and education support for congregations. The monies are combined with monies from other churches so they can continue to focus on doing God's work.

As stewards of God's gifts of time, talent and treasure, they strive to be fruitful in their giving. Thank you to everyone who returned the Stewardship Commitment form.

PVI Concert

Pleasant Valley Intermediate School will be having a fifth grade concert on Thursday, Dec 20. All are invited to attend.


Gingee Anglemyer will celebrate her birthday on Dec. 24.

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