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It's time to act

Published December 29. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor

We pray and pay homage to the innocent victims of Newtown Connecticut we must come to our senses about Guns.

The second amendment was another time and place.

I for one do not believe in repeal, but there must be conditions for ownership of guns. The average citizen has no need to own an assault or automatic or even semi-automatic weapons.

Being a hunter for many years before finally giving it up, I used a 12 gauge shotgun and bolt action rifle which was more than adequate. If I could take my game with one or two shots than so be it.

Our legislators need to place a ban the purchase of assault and automatic high capacity guns.

Stop the sale of guns over the Internet without background checks.

There needs to be stringent background checks in place for any and all gun purchases and all guns should have a trigger lock.

If you own a gun then you are responsible for that gun and its use. If that gun is used in a shooting or death, then the owner is an accessory to that crime. You are as guilty as the shooter.

George White


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