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A planet in peril ... from weather to politics ... it's disastrous

Published January 07. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

There are those who have dismissed global warming as a hoax seized on the weather as validation of their point while prophets of climate change said it was yet more evident of a planet in peril. Indeed, our planet is being besieged by that lady of reckless and devastating storm venues, Mother Nature herself. She's on a recurring rampage, belting-out the worst weather she can conjure up to make our lives hell; destroying towns as tornadoes whip ultra-violently throughout many areas of the United States.

A horrendous loss for those poor souls who have nowhere to live. Where does one begin facing the future when losing your life's possessions? A dozen years have elapsed into the new millennium, as the 21st century is proving civilization is coping with gigantic problems as the world is in a topsy-turvy state of condition.

Besides deadly tornadoes, our planet has been doomed with hurricanes; earthquakes; devastating floods and heavy snowfall during winter season here on east coast. Not so long ago, Hurricane Irene plagued the eastern seaboard with torrential flooding beyond anyone's imagination, causing billions of dollars damage. Untold amount of people lost their homes, due to tornadoes and flooding.

The country's been in debt, totaling trillions of dollars, now Irene happens along and adds insult to the growing debt. Will America ever regain a normal economy? It's not likely. Maybe China will come to our deep financial aid and buy the U.S.A. God bless America, if we are forced to survive under Chinese rule! Our flag waving stars and stripes, bearing 50 states could become the end of America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

We're not only coping with a recession but a full-scale depression. Our government would, no doubt, den such a cataclysmic state of affairs. Our politicians have a tendency of looking through rose-colored glasses when they cannot (or refuse) to face reality. And our country is suffering the pangs of political neglect; downgrade economy and unemployment running rampant for entirely too length of time!

The Gulf oil spill also proved our nation was in dire straits. It was a shocking blow that should have never occurred, killing hundreds of wild life. Polluting the ocean with its slick black oil, while sea life perished unnecessarily, due to idiotic misjudgment. As though, Hurricane Irene wasn't enough of a harsh blow, bringing unbelievable flooding throughout Pennsylvania towns. The rains following Irene's onslaught, drenching towns for almost a week, as residents were forced to evacuate their homes.

Some areas where homes stood, looked like deep rivers; the flooding could have been a carbon copy of the disastrous Jamestown flood. Is God telling us something? Are we listening to Him? We sure as hell better take heed! It could be later than you think.

We're struggling with a serious case of unemployment. Millions are grasping to hold onto life as they search for jobs, hoping to keep bill collectors away from their doors. They haven't a clue where their next paycheck is coming from. What a sad dilemma. Unemployment insurance is only a temporary income. President Obama's top priority should be to create jobs for America. People need security by having steady employment.

Why doesn't Congress put a freeze on rising prices? Including rents, food, gasoline, any product that's sellable. Anybody without a job cannot cope with rising prices; it's insane coping with today's sky-rocking inflating! Senior citizens haven't been treated to a social security raise in two years. A disgusting oversight on the part of Washington. Purposely so, while Seniors are struggling to endure many hardships and the wealthy folks are enjoying a tax-free rich lifestyle.

Why is the cost-of-living continuing to increase while people have no income? And Seniors live on fixed incomes, striving to keep their homes because of increasing property taxes, etc. GREED is the keyword; Literally. Greed has been running rampant for decades. One keeps wondering - why Congress allows this out-of-control inflation to continue snowballing! They sit on their comfortable senate chairs and seem to ignore all these pending problems, idling their days, while these ultra-needful issues aren't being solved.

Can you blame those groups of people who had a "sit-out" in New York City recently and held their ground - steadfast for weeks. But are they going to change the country for a more favorable from of government? It's a lost cause, I fear, but those who stuck to their beliefs and prolonged the "sit-out," need to be commended for their bravery and perseverance. Perhaps every city in America ought to begin a prolonged "sit-out," surely Congress and the Senate would concern themselves with such dramatic measures.

Space doesn't permit this writer to elongate on far more numerous problems facing our nation. And our government isn't too efficient in bringing a solution to those bearing priority. Yes citizens of the U.S.A. it's a planet in peril and a damn serious one that's being swept under the carpet and ignored!

Earle E. Stahler

West Penn Township

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