Setting the record straight
Dear Editor,
I would like to set the record straight with regard to the article that appeared in the TIMES NEWS on Thursday July 5, 2012 I feel that I was not at the same meeting. After reviewing the video tape of Monday night's meeting I would like to address several points.
1, Mr. Walter Gibbon did not in any manner speak or comment at this meeting. The statement " I don't want to be trumped by some political clan. We the residents want you to work for us." is not accurate.
Mr. Gibbon had stopped at my office this morning expressing extreme discontent with regard to this slanderous article.
He requests that you print a retraction with regard to the aforementioned.
Further, please advise me as to what residents stated that "they don't think that the board is handling the townships money the way it should be. Again I believe this statement is not accurate, slanderous and erroneous.
The only question that was brought up at the meeting concerning township funds was from a disgruntled resident from Towmensing Trails who was not happy about issues between the board of supervisors and Towmensing Trails Home Owners Association. The resident questioned as to "what this board actually gives us for our money as we are your cash cow" He stated that he's been paying for 27 years. It was explained to the resident that the township provides, ambulance protection, fire protection, snow plowing, trash removal and now recreation facilities as well as Township employees.
It was further explained to the resident that he has not been paying this township for the last 27 years as he stated because 3 mills of real estate tax was only put in place in the last two or three years. Prior to that Penn Forest Township had no real estate taxes.
Please take notice this township has over six million dollars in the Townships accounts and Penn Forest Township runs more efficiently and productively than ever before. This is due to strong management and dedicated competent employees this township employs.
Very truly yours.
Alan S. Katz,
Penn Forest