120 lives saved
Dear Editor:
On July 11, the Nesquehoning Veterans of Foreign Wars held their annual eight week blood drive. At this time, I would like to thank everyone who came out to donate blood in my honor.
I have been the coordinator for Miller- Keystone Blood Center for about the past six years. We had 40 donors this past drive. This breaks down to 120 lives helped or saved, because out of every pint donated three lives can be saved.
What a great feeling it is when you think about what was accomplished. 120 lives were helped by individuals donating their blood which takes about 1 hour of your time. Miller-Keystone Blood Center and the 24 community hospitals that receive this important life giving blood are instrumental in saving lives which include the use for: Premature Babies, Cardiac patients, Cancer patients, burn victims and accident/trauma victims.
Statistics show that 25 percent or more of us will require blood at least once in our lifetime. Every two seconds, someone in the United States requires a blood transfusion. The gift of blood is the gift of life. So the next time your community has a blood drive, I wish everyone would think of your neighbor, relative or someone that you know, who may need blood. So once again, I say THANK YOU and hope to have a great turn out for our next blood drive.
Ted Dacey