This is history, folks
Dear Editor,
Once again readers of the Times News only got part of the story in regard to the Commissioner's decision to nullify the federal law NDAA. The county legislature saying no to the federal government is a feature of a republic given to us by our creator.
Two significant facts were not reported in Friday's newspaper article on the NDAA in Carbon County. First, to the knowledge of the existing commissioners, the county has never stood up to the federal government before in this manner. This is history folks. As our government gets more intrusive and oppressive I can hope it will not be the last time.
Secondly, after two years of my attendance at the local commissioner's meetings, this is the first time the leaders referenced the US and PA Constitutions as the guiding construct in making a decision for our county. The Constitutions were drawn up by wise and learned men to set in place guidelines and protections for them and their posterity. It works when we use it.
Robert Dages
RepublicanCommittee Member
Jim Thorpe