Panther Valley news
Summit Hill
St. Paul Lutheran
The Rev. Richard L. Hinkle, a retired pastor from Weatherly, will lead the worship service at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, on Sunday, June 17.
Members are reminded the summer schedule is now in effect and the services on Sunday will begin at 9:30 a.m.
Hope of Christ
Members of the Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, Summit Hill, will celebrate Father's Day on Sunday, June 17. The regular Sunday worship service will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Mauch Chunk Lake Park, and will be followed by the annual church picnic.
Members are reminded the Sunday worship services will start at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 24, and that schedule will remain in effect until Sept. 9.
Little Angels
The Little Angels Pre-School, a division of Our Lady of the Angels Academy, Lansford, is now accepting registrations for the 2012-2013 school year.
Classes are held at the OLOAA school building in Lansford.
There are two programs, as follows: 3-year-olds, who attend half-day sessions two days a week; and 4-year-olds, who attend sessions three days per week with full-day session options.
The school also offers a school care program called ECP.
For more information on any of the Little Angels programs, parents can call Kim Feisel, (570) 778-5092.
St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford, will sponsor a bloodmobile for the Miller-Keystone Memorial Blood Center on Monday, June 18, from 1-6:30 p.m. in the church hall.
Miller-Keystone is the sole provider of blood for local hospitals. Officials note more than 500 donors are needed regionally every day to assist the hospitals in the life-saving care of premature infants, accident victims, surgery patients and chemotherapy patients.
Donors must be 17 years of age or older. Individuals can donate whole blood up to six times per year.
To schedule a donation, call John Karnish, coordinator, at (570) 645-3994.
Borough office closed
The office of the Coaldale Borough secretary will be closed the week of June 25-29. Sanitation payments can be mailed to Coaldale Borough, P.O. Box 116, Coaldale, PA 18218, or dropped in the payment slot at the borough office.