Summit Hill News
Summit Hill
Lions to meet
The Summit Hill Lions Club will meet Thursday, June 28, at 6 p.m. in St. Joseph Catholic Church hall. Judy Midas, first vice president, will preside at the session.
Lions attending are asked to bring an appetizer/food item to share. Soda and water will be provided by the club.
The presentation will be made by Dr. Kenneth Vermillion, who is still president of the club even though he retired last year and he and his wife, Roxane, moved to Florida.
Since his retirement, Dr. Vermillion participated in a medical mission trip to Haiti.
During his presentation, the dentist will speak about the trip and work that was performed in that underprivileged country.
The Vermillions are members of the Faith Lutheran Church, Sarasota, Fla., which has a group of medical professionals travel annually to Haiti to assist the residents there with needs they otherwise would not receive.
Being the only dentist on the trip, most of Dr. Vermillion's work there involved tooth extractions. In fact, he did more in his first day than had been done all week the prior year.
At the end of four very busy days of work, he had extracted 138 teeth.
Dr. Vermillion will explain how he feels his trip to Haiti was an opportunity to help many for whom medical care only comes on rare occasions when the white American doctors arrive as "a miracle sent from God."
The life expectancy of people in Haiti is under 50. They struggle constantly with disease processes without access to medical care.
This presentation is open to the public.
Food pantry news
The Summit Hill Food Pantry, headquartered in the Summit Hill Heritage Center building, Hazard and Chestnut streets, will be open on Tuesday, June 26.
The pantry makes distributions of nonperishable food items to persons in town who qualify for the assistance on a monthly basis. The distributions will take place from 10 a.m. to noon.
The doors of the pantry will close promptly at 12:15 p.m.
Persons who have been receiving the food "boxes" are asked to note no telephone call reminders will be made.
In the event there is a change in pantry hours, the recipients will be notified by telephone. Rosemarie Armon, pantry director, is maintaining an up-to-date roster with telephone numbers of regular recipients.
Anyone whose contact information changes is required to notify her of that information.