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A week of news, from the bizarre to the absurd

Published June 16. 2012 09:01AM

It was an interesting news week and this pair of news stories illustrates how crazy this country's grasp on what it means to be an American has become. The state of Georgia or more specifically the Transportation Department decided that it would not allow that southern staple of hatred, the Ku Klux Klan to adopt a highway.

The popular program throughout the country allows organizations to adopt a one mile stretch of our road system to clean up litter and beautify. Various individuals and organizations over the years have adopted segments of our highway system, but the Department of Transportation in Georgia decided a stretch of route 515 in Union County, Georgia was "too dangerous" for the Klan to adopt.

Of course the letter also cited the organization's divisive history and its long standing civil disobedience as other reasons adopting the highway could cause a potential safety concern and unrest. Do you think? Given the Klan's long history of violence and civil contempt, it's not a surprise an official would feel that way. The Klan's representative, April Chambers said all the group wants to do is beautify the highway and keep the roads clean. What could be the harm in that,? she asked

The CNN news story points out a chapter of the Klan in Missouri requested and was granted the same thing but they refused to pick up the trash as was agreed when they signed on to the program. Because of that, they were kicked out.

The sad part of this whole episode is the one point that Chambers makes is worth a pause. She questioned the reporter if the group was the Black Panthers or some other minority organization would they be treated the same way?

All of these groups deal with violence, hatred and division, but why are some more tolerated than others? Those are the questions this trivial story brings to mind making the issue far from trivial. Do we really treat all groups fairly or do some receive more harshness and criticism than others. None of them support unity and liberty and equal rights to all. Most of those type of groups preach violence and division and anarchy direct enemies of a free society.

It would be interesting to see if any of Chambers' cited groups actually have adopted highways. It might say a lot to how fair or unfair bureaucrats can be. As far as safety concerns, I would think a bunch of overgrown pillowcases walking along the side of a highway might be interesting and probably would cause rubber necking for a different but amusing reason.

If you think this story is a bizarre one, then hold onto your seats because apparently we no longer live in a country that takes pride in its national sovereignty. I really am not sure when it became legal for illegal aliens to be not only living in this country but to gain benefits and voting rights?

Where were we when this piece of insanity took place? Yes, this is old news so to speak, but how can anyone justify this rationally. How many citizens of this country have sneaked into another country, say Mexico and been allowed to take their government's money and vote in their country's elections without being a citizen?

I am going to state it plain and simple. This is insane. We live in the United States of America. We are Americans. If you take a pledge of your fidelity to this flag and our nation, you are an American. Period. This business of hyphenating ethnicities and self segregation has gone way overboard and to be honest is hypocritical.

What is worse is we have political leaders so desperate to hold onto their precious ivory towers that they are willing to compromise basic nationalistic principles in the hopes of clinging to their power. In their minds tapping this pool will bring them votes and support. Apparently they don't care that the people voting for them are not citizens.

That's a dirty little fact they believe if they don't ask, there is no foul. Case in point, the federal government under President Obama has sued Arizona for daring to enforce its sovereignty in its fight to remove illegal aliens and now they are suing Florida this week for purging their voter rolls of illegal aliens.

The key word is illegal, not legal, not lawful, in violation of the American codes of law. They are criminals who knowingly broke the laws of this country and we are dumb enough to pay them benefits and let them vote. Shame on us for allowing this to go on and shame on anyone who supports allowing criminals to vote in any election when they don't even have citizenship in this country. This should not even be a controversy.

Our independence was fought and won by patriots who pledged an oath of allegiance to a common goal. Illegal immigrants have not pledged allegiance to this country and therefore should not be given the citizen's basic privilege. There is no rational argument otherwise. The only reward they should receive is the fast track to the proverbial door.

And there you have the insanity that prevails in this country of ours. On one hand, the Ku Klux Klan, the precursor to almost every hate group in this country wanting to beautify its image by cleaning a highway and being denied for good reason juxtaposed with a Federal government that wants to throw out the basic privilege of loyal citizens by suing those who want to protect that right. Why? Because someone or some party wants to load votes they don't deserve into the ballot boxes.

If that doesn't smack of insanity I don't know what does.

Til next time…

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