Flag and God are together
Dear Editor:
Today, June 9, at noon there was in Jim Thorpe a Blessing of the Flags ceremony. I would like to thank all that attended.
Father Ward did a wonderful job.
A member of the JROTE read a poem.
This was advertised in the paper a few times and was on T.V. So many people should have known.
The Flag and God are together in song on our money and in poems. Our brothers and sisters - sons and daughters gave their lives for what the flag stands for. Many were invited. FEW CAME. Those who did show up were saying there was no respect shown.
Next year it will be held again at noon the Saturday before Flag Day. We hope for a better turn out. The whole ceremony only takes 30 minutes. T.V. and newspapers will again/against be invited.
I remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski,
Summit Hill veteran