Let's celebrate our freedoms
Dear Editor:
From the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the present wars and all the sacrifices in between, those who gave their lives are too many to count. We must never forget those who fought. May we all remember those who have made this nation "the land of the free, and the home of the brave." Our debt to gratitude cannot be measured.
So many soldiers and others in the military have sacrificed that you and I may live in freedom.
Let us appreciate what America stands for: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Why do others want to come to America? Because it's the "Land of the free, and the home of the brave!"
On this Fourth of July, let there be a beginning for the return of patriotism, deep love and an appreciation for this beloved USA.
We celebrate this holiday because our forefathers were willing to die rather than to be ruled by tyranny. Freedom is the most precious gift a country can possess. May all of us seek to honor and uphold it.
Let us honor "Old Glory." May we live by the truths this country was founded upon. I will have a tear in my eye and my hand over my hear when I hear "The Star Spangled Banner" played.
I love America and I am proud to be an American and proud to have served America. Thank you!
Edward R. Rummel
WWII veteran