Who guided the CCP?
Among the officers, directors and technical staff of the 100-member troupe:
President and producer: Howard Sinclair
Vice president: William Bynon
Recording secretary: Paula Lesko
Treasurer: Jane Forrest
Corresponding secretary: Dolores Zale
Resident director: George Miller
Vice president, drama: Alice Mansbury
Vice president, stage: Beth Forgay
Vice president, building: Mike Nonnemacher
Tickets: Mary Ciganek, Louise Gray
Season chairs: Kay Webb, Sagemary Perkins
Membership: Stephanie Pharo
Newsletter: John Skerchock, Al Sword
Public relations: Frederica Winkler, Don Serfass
Program design: John Rajnic, Judy Schaad
Historian: Aurelia Alexander
Budget director: Bob Pharo
Makeup: Judy Martini, R. P. Buffton, Kim Arner
Hairstyles: Leonore Chioffe
Lighting and sound: Tom Cormier, Jr., Jim Telepchak, Al Sword
House manager: Charlotte Baltozer
Organ/piano: Yvonne Cormier, Irene Gerhard, John Melley
Production mediator: Grace Dunn
Production manager: Don Serfass
Set design: Mike Zuber, Jane Mitchell
Property master: Tom Brennan, Joanne Perrin
Choreography: Judy Martini
Consultants: Marian Miller, Marcia Teeno, Georgine Yorke
Ushers: Ruth West, Karen Greek, Amy Mayernik, Jane Olsefsky,
Melanie Osenbach