The incredible Juliette Low
Juliette Gordon Low, portrayed by Lori Carnes, visited the Girl Scouts celebrating the anniversary of Girl Scouting in the United States.
She said she was born in 1860 at Savannah, Ga., and was nicknamed Daisy because she had the same name as her grandmother. The southern states began to secede from the union so the family moved to Chicago where people didn't like them because they were southerners.
Daisy became sick and was given whatever she wanted. She thinks that is why she became so stubborn. She had pets and brought strays home - sometimes the neighbors' pets - which she had to return.
One year they raised a turkey and when it had to have its head chopped off, Daisy insisted on giving it anesthesia. It was plucked and refrigerated. When the refrigerator was opened the next day, the turkey hopped out - mad and bald.
She tried to sew for the poor and decided it was a bad project because she could not sew.
She met William Low, always called Bill Low because her father and brother were also William. On the day of her wedding she got rice in her ear and became deaf in that ear.
The family moved to Scotland. She could no longer ride a horse because the deafness affected her balance. When out walking she came to a stream with a log across for a bridge. Because of the balance problem she was afraid to walk across. When a peddler came by, she insisted he help her. When they got to the other side she found out he was blind.
Lord Baden Powell was working with boys training them as scouts. Because girls wanted to do the same things, he got his sister to work with what became the Girl Guides.
Daisy became involved. "We helped with the war effort, learned to be clean and keep a house clean."
On March 12, 1912, she returned to Savannah and began two troops of Girl Scouts. They sold chickens to raise money.
She called President Woodrow Wilson and asked, "What can we do?" They planted victory gardens and sold bonds.
"I am so proud you are still keeping this program alive," said Daisy Low.