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Invisible Magic Dust

Published March 24. 2012 09:01AM

Yesterday I opened up the mail and found an envelope containing Invisible Magic Dust.

No joke!

Domino the Great sent it to me.

I met Domino (Nelson Oliveira) at Towamensing Elementary School where he performed for the students during an assembly to celebrate Read Across America. Nelson is a magician, a full-time children's entertainer who uses a variety of performing arts to wake everyone up and keep them engaged with a unique learning process. He is a professional comedy magician, top notch storyteller and a children's author who uses his talents to get everyone excited about reading.

"I just love what I do and my living is to inspire students, to read and to respect one another. I want to make kids and parents laugh and have a fun time. Especially, these days where in the news it's 24/7 negative stuff, it's great to allow kids and parents a vehicle to escape everything and have so much fun during my magic shows," he says.

I was delighted to receive my very own personal Invisible Magic Dust.

"It's the perfect take on like when we had pet rocks back in the day," he laughs.

The Invisible Magic Dust isn't Domino's creation but one of his magician friends, and they love sharing it with people who they think needs a little magic in their lives.

The Invisible Magic Dust even came with a guide for daily usage and care.

Evidently Invisible Magic Dust is mined from the hills in the little-known country of Dustola in Africa. It's hard to find on maps because the Global Union of Magicians and Illusionists are trying to keep it a secret. It can be found on the map only if you wear a pair of Invisible Magic Dust Glasses, which can only be purchased by union members for $16.49.

Invisible Magic Dust is mined by six-foot-tall magic Dust Bunnies, almost all named Harvey, and if they don't carefully remove all Invisible Magic Dust when they leave the mines, they risk disappearing in their sleep only to reappear in a magician's top hat somewhere.

According to the Invisible Magic Dust manual, some caution must be taken when using it.

Some side effects result in socks disappearing from the dryer. (So that's what happens!) If used as a sugar substitute on cereal, your teeth could disappear as you get older.

The manual says, Invisible Magic Dust is best when used with a generous helping of imagination.

So, I tried it.

I sprinkled a tiny little bit all over my body, hoping all my excess would disappear.

I think I actually see some results. (It helps to be blind in one eye and not able to see out of the other.)

I might try using it this weekend in my flower beds. I'd love it if all the debris collected over the fall and winter months became invisible, without involving back-breaking work to clean it up.

It would be fun to sprinkle Invisible Magic Dust all over myself, making me invisible and then go to a party and listen to all the different conversations. Or how about being invisible in the Oval Office?

Wow, the list of fun we could have with Invisible Magic Dust is endless!

The Invisible Magic Dust manual also says that a small sprinkle can help you engage in any task with an amazing, unsinkable positive attitude.

So I'm thinking of taking my little bag of Invisible Magic Dust, shake some of it into a pretty little bowl and place it on my vanity. Then every morning as I prepare myself for work, I'll sprinkle a pinch of my dust over my head and imagine that I am faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings at a single bound ..., I'll be Super Woman!

OK. Maybe I have too much imagination.

The manual has an Alergy Alert, too. It says, "Invisible Magic Dust may contain trace amounts of moonbeams and smiles."

Think about it. Wouldn't it be nice if there really was something like Invisible Magic Dust?

If there was, I'd load up a plane full of it and go across the world and drop it on everybody. Who wouldn't like to see a world where hunger, disease, hate, abuse and wars disappear leaving instead people with positive attitudes and smiles?

I think those Dust Bunnies in Dustola need to mine more of that Invisible Magic Dust. And hurry!

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