Food for thoughtand the pet monkey
Dear Editor:
Most recently I observed thru the media that food pantries and other organizations are seeing more people than ever before for food.
I give and help when I can - in this economy I fault our government, layoffs, and lower paid jobs.
On the other hand, what is reported by our health care system is that more Americans than ever are overweight and this causes health risks. Changing course, I've seen on a local news station about a pet monkey that was taken away from its owner who had it for the past 15 years. There was no report of the monkey ever doing any harm to people or to other pets.
A Pennsylvania Game Official (WCO) said that the monkey was a wild animal and had sharp teeth and can inflict a nasty wound. There are dogs who have sharp teeth too. I've seen on a video Governor Sara Palin in a helicopter in pursuit of a wolf. It was running perhaps looking for a place to hide. Sadly enough, the graphic video showed the wolf being shot.
Larry Consoli
Summit Hill