Crushing a man's dreams
Dear Editor:
I am not normally one to share my business or life story with people but I feel this is something that should be made public.
My father is currently waiting a kidney transplant which he has been on the list for one year and 18 days awaiting a kidney. He currently attends dialysis three times a week, obtains all needed tests follows a strict diet etc.
Anyway allow me to get to my point. Here is a man who is doing everything the right way just to stay alive and in hopes that some stranger will come along and donate him a kidney. All of this to be told today by a major hospital which is 45 minutes from his home, that he is now on the inactive list due to they don't accept his primary insurance in which his wife carries due to him not being able to work.
Now the hospital and all its doctors accept it but not the transplant part of it. After being told this they had no remorse of crushing a man's dreams and hopes. All we were given as a family was call the customer service department of your insurance. So because they do not take his insurance he has to transfer to a hospital that is two hours away.
So you tell me if this is right all over insurance you have pretty much set a man up for failure. How do keep hope alive when a hospital gives you none?
Beverly Schiano