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Chestnuthill column

Published November 21. 2012 05:04PM

Thanksgiving Mass

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church will hold a Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9 a.m., Thursday. The church office will be closed.

On Friday, the regular Mass schedule will be followed and the church office will be open.

On Monday, there will be an 8 a.m. Mass and a 7 p.m. Communion Service, but no 7 p.m. Mass. The church office will be closed.

Turkey Drive for Food Pantry

The Supplemental Food Resource Center of Effort United Methodist Church would like to help others have a special holiday. The food pantry is having a Turkey Drive to supplement the pantry items provided for their clients' Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners. Do you have a coupon for a free turkey or do you just want to help out by donating a turkey. Contact the church at (570) 629-1890 for additional information. The food pantry is open on Saturday's between 10 a.m. and noon for drop offs. The church is located off Route 115 on Merwinsburg Road in Effort. Your support for this ministry is greatly appreciated.

Knit & Crochet

The Knit & Crochet group at Zion Lutheran Church, Brodheadsville, will meet from 1-3 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 27.

Harvest Celebration

The Western Pocono Lioness Club will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27, for a Harvest Celebration social hour. Members will bring a variety of foodstuffs, including soup/chili/bread and desserts. The business meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

For more information call club President Virginia Lamendola at (610) 681-8306.

Medicare Fraud

Kathy McIntosh will present a program on Medicare Fraud Awareness at the Chestnuthill Senior Center meeting at Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville at 11:15 a.m. Friday, Nov. 28.

Deadline approaching

Members and friends of the Western Pocono Lions Club are reminded the deadline for reservations for the club's annual Christmas party is Nov. 30. For more information call club President Charles Rush at (610) 381-3759.

Busy Builders Club

Pleasant Valley Middle School Builder's Club is currently involved, or will be involved, in two outreach programs.

The group is collecting donations for Toys for Tots through Dec. 12. Drop off boxes will be located in the main lobby of the middle school or donations will be accepted in Mrs. Dekmar's classroom. All new, unopened and unwrapped toys will be accepted. A Marine representative will pick up the donations Dec. 13.

During January, the club will be accepting mittens, hats and scarves to be donated to a local organization to keep West End Community members warm.

Adults, children and infant gloves and hats will be accepted.

One can leave donations on the Giving Tree in the Main Lobby of the middle school.

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