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A sad commentary

Published October 27. 2012 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

We found it quite disturbing that in your "Reader's Turn", section on Saturday, four out of the five respondents thought the morning-after pill should be available in our schools for teens as young as 14.

This is a sad commentary on our society today and a big contributor to the declining moral shape of our world. Just because "they say" teens are having sex at younger and younger ages does not mean this should be an expected trend in our children. Instead, it should be a wake-up call for parents to have "the talk" with our children, as early as fourth grade. NOT "the talk" on how to prevent pregnancy and have safe sex at age 14, but on how to have enough respect for ourselves and our bodies that our children would know it is expected of them to save sex for marriage. Respecting God's gift of sexuality is the only way to find true, honest, lasting love.

By providing condoms and morning after pills to our teens, we are in effect telling them we can't possibly expect them to control themselves, that they are little more than animals, and therefore this is expected behavior. We are giving them low expectations instead of inspiring them to a higher standard.

We, as parents, are doing a lousy job if we assume our children will make bad decisions and all we have to do is give them the tools to do so.

And just think of what we could eliminate if teens would understand the importance of making the right choices: teen pregnancies, abortions, STDs, single parenthood, poverty, unfinished educations, unfulfilled dreams. What a simple concept, and yet within their grasp if given the proper guidance.

Let's not underestimate our teens. Studies have shown they actually welcome discipline, guidance and responsibility. Giving up on our teens because "everyone else is doing it" is neither an excuse nor responsible parenting.

Stan and Barbara Swierczek

Summit Hill

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