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Chestnuthill news

Published September 26. 2012 05:01PM

Leo Club leaders

The Western Pocono Lions Club's sponsored Leo Club at Pleasant Valley High School held its first meeting of the school year recently and elected its officers.

Serving as student leaders for the service club will be: Evan Shibley, president; Nina Staats, vice president; Jessica Hughes, secretary; and Krystal Tedesco, treasurer.

Tai Dottery was appointed photographer/columnist for the club. Serving as PVHS staff adviser is Melissa Dennis.

Additional info

Last week's column included information about the free community suppers and luncheons held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church once a month. It was only after the column went to press that we were informed families in need who wish to enjoy these free meals should call the church at (610) 681-6137 so organizers can plan for the appropriate number of meals.

The next supper will be Oct. 14 and the next luncheon Oct. 17.

Rotary adds meeting

Although the West End Rotary Club is known for its breakfast meetings at 7:30 a.m. at the Western Pocono Community Library, the club will also hold a branch meeting Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m., at Luna Rosa in Gilbert.

For more information call club President Jill Rehrig at (570) 778-3846.

PV School Board

The Pleasant Valley School District Board of Education will meet at 8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 27, in the district office in Brodheadsville.

Monroe Seniors

The Monroe Seniors will meet at Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville at 9 a.m., Friday, Sept. 28; Wednesday, Oct. 3, and Friday, Oct. 5.

Pet Blessing

Our Lady Queen of Peace will hold its Pet Blessing at 10 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 29. Participants are asked to come to the front of the church by the Jesus statue.

Zion Lutheran will hold its pet blessing ceremony at 2 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 30.

Mortgage burning

Effort UMC will celebrate its mortgage burning Saturday, Sept. 29, regardless of weather. If it is not nice, outdoor activities may be moved indoors. However, good weather is the hope and attending families should bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating purposes.

Families are reminded to register in the church narthex and, in light of the celebration, desserts to share are appreciated.

Lions learn

At the Western Pocono Lions Club meeting last week, members learned about various services available to seniors.

Belinda Gordon addressed the overall topic and introduced her fellow speakers. Van Langkamer spoke about end-of-life care, which she said, can be done at home. Katrina Mavrodis and Randy Roberts were the last two speakers. Roberts spoke about insurance and protecting one's assets.

In October the club will be involved in the annual Lions World Service Day, in which club members drive personal care residents around the local countryside, with assistance from Lioness, so they might view the fall foliage.

The Lioness have also helped by baking cookies which are delivered to the facilities involved in the community outreach service.

Meeting date changed

Effort UMC's Methodist Church Women meeting has been changed due to the church's charge conference being held at 7:30 p.m., on Monday, Oct. 8. The UMW will now meet Tuesday, Oct. 9.

Free flu shots

Pocono Medical Center is offering free flu shots throughout the county. In the West End, Our Lady Queen of Peace is a partnering agency. Free flu shots will be given there to folks, over the age of 18, from 2-8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10, and again on Nov. 3, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Since the shots are limited in number, one is asked to call (570) 426-2820 or email:

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