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Why the personal attacks?

Published September 29. 2012 09:04AM

Dear Editor:

A few words regarding Gordon Smith's article "The President has failed us" (9-15-12)

I'd like to say that I certainly understand some of the complaints you list about Obama's first four years, the debt and spending being the two most important.

Where you guys lose me is the personal attacks on Obama, such as he's "done everything in his power to destroy our economy and our international reputation".

So he's doing this on purpose? Why? Let me guess he's a Muslim? But why would a Muslim kill Osama Bin Laden?

"He abandoned Israel." Come on, really? Because he won't let Israel push us into another questionable war?

"He is constantly working to disarm Americans so that they cannot defend themselves." Wow, I don't know whether to laugh at that or be worried. You guys are so paranoid. Any attempt to overturn the 2nd amendment would be swiftly shot down by the supreme court.

I am a big fan of the 2nd amendment and of the Bill of Rights, I keep hearing the extreme right whining about this, it's total nonsense.

Took me 1/2 hr. to get a gun, I like that they do a background check and that I can't buy an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attached.

You guys try to make Obama out to be the boogey man. It's really sad and childish.

OH NO! Obama is going to take your guns and leave your family unprotected!!

Really?? No American liberal or conservative will stand for that.

One can never trust the media. You guys all have an angle and you need to sell/circulate papers.

I think your scare tactics will fail, pretty sure Romney is going to lose, mostly because he has to pretend to be a "conservative:" You guys would end up hating Romney as president anyway.

Ed Welsman Jr.

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