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Wake up America

Published April 13. 2013 09:03AM

Dear Editor:

There is a story of a person crying out in agony to God after a recent school shooting. "God, how could you let this happen in schools? I thought you were an all loving God?" Then God answered simply, "I'm not allowed in schools!" There was a teacher that was suspended because she wore a cross necklace and refused to take it off! Not only is He not in schools anymore, He is not in the halls of public building or on the lawn at Christmas. There is also a "falling away" in church attendance. Yet it seems in anger, His name is mentioned in cursing. Well, while I'm on that word "cursing," inasmuch as He is an all loving God, He has also had to punish people, including his chosen people.

Therefore, I would like to address an urgent upheaval that is occurring in America. That is the attack on our "Institution of marriage." Just this week our own Mr. Casey decided to support the right of two persons of the same sex to marry. He did not want to be the "odd man out!" I refer back to my favorite book again that tells us of what happened to an nation of people who did exactly what our people are doing. (Genesis 19: versus 5) "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out so that we may have sex with them!" You need to read the rest of the chapter, because this very thing could happen to America. When you get to Genesis 19; versus 24, (paraphrased) "Then there rained down surfur on the cities and destroyed them and all their inhabitants." Do you know that to this day, archaeologists are still trying to determine where Sodom and Gomorra, a city of millions, was located!

Wake up America ... we are not exempt from this sort of judgment whether you believe in the BIBLE or not. Write your favorite elected official and voice your objection to the attack on the institution of marriage. If you can't write, send me a note and I'll include your name on my list!


Richard M. Gross

286-59 Lower NisHollow Drive, Lehighton

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