Expert witness
Dear Editor:
The United States and Pennsylvania are blood brothers in both form and substance in their nature as governments. The state and federal are linked in a compound republic. Our countries Pledge Of Allegience uses the word "republic" but the founding fathers in our historical documents never use the word democracy. The greek idea of democracy is a sloppy dynamic that influences our current state of affairs and functions like a god in government schools. In democracy the fifty first vote is the swing vote because it makes the majority. Think of the comparison between us in a democracy with a school of fish all turning in the same instant and going a different way with the remaining forty nine and sometimes swimming into the mouth of a whale.
In a compound republic when a judge rules from the bench, collateral damage happens in violating esablished principle from the Executive branch of the White House all the way down to the smallest municipality. This judicial blindness corrupts everything spreading fog on clarity. I was a back row voice in the last Jim Thorpe Borough Council meeting watching the fog role into Memorial hall last Thursday night. There a council member offered an explanation for why he voted for the middle Region Comprehensive Plan with no discussion. The opinion went something like this, "We don't have the money so we have to join up regionally."
That evening our town joined in on another level of Agenda 21 of the United Nations when they adoped this version of the comprehensive plan. This is another stage of being hoodwinked. A very well funded stage of European style corporate socialism is sinking in to undermine civil liberties and representative democracy in America.
In terms of funding this is a real irony on the larger scenario. The level of enforcement required for sustainable developement in regionalism is not affordable under any conditions unless there is a new army of revenue police of the nature of a police state. Under the previous social order, morality and responsibility were the drivers. Now what is becoming increasingly our republic of law with constitutional civil rights
I suggest three remedies. Personally, instead of anger and fear, I will take heart in the words of Washington Gladden "Quietly I hold fast to the things that cannot change." I can do this because in so many ways God is bigger and better then all this world's failure in motion. Second. encourage Town Council to rescend their decision. Third, have a bronze plaque made. It should be like the one in front of the police station here in Jim Thorpe. It should identify the local culprits who unanimously volunteered future generations to a government straight jacket.
Robert Dages
Jim Thorpe