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Published April 27. 2013 09:03AM

Dear Editor:

Good ideas were not recorded from a public meeting. On February 19th seven concerned citizens went to a public meeting at the Communications Center in Nesquehoning before the Planning Commission. The county funded corporation known as the office of Planninng and Developement was expected to represent itself there. Two of us spoke to the issues. The controlling provisions of the federal and state constitutions were streseed.. Only one of us was put on record. There was no mention of my warning for the Planning Commission not to partisipate in wrong doing.

While I realize this effort to influence change for the better is in itself a long shot. That a government entity not prescribbed in our state charter has big influence and my spoken word and presence might have little bearing on the Commissions behaviour to lessen its influence voluntarily. Yet it's worth a try. *Sound reasoning has prevailed in the past. The Commission is made up of individual people and a percentage of any group have some character and are open to right prioritiies. For instance, here in Pennsylvania when George Wasington refused kingship after winning the Revoluninary War we see him saying 'no" to personal power for the benefit of everyone else. We came as a group to explain why the Comprehensive Plan is illegal in nature. It steals civil rights.

As a side note I observed a contradiction at that meeting that is typical of people in government. Before the meeting everyone stands to swear allegence to our flag with an empty formalism. But then those in official capacity sell out on the meaning of the required Oath of Office to "uphold the constitution with fielity"in terms of policy they apply. This is because of the influences of Agenda 21 of the United Nations and big government . Proponents of these forces have a strangle hold on us with special interests.

Priviate property rights and freedoms to protect them are being avoided by this non law document called the Comprehensive Plan. This is being compiled and administerd by Judy Borger in her planning office in Jim Thorpe. This office is altogether different from from the Commission itself and separate still from the legislative body who are the Commisssioners.

I suggested that the Commission should neither recomend it to the three commisssioners or approve the Comprehensive Plan themselves. Such a referendum by the Commission on unconstitutional ideas legitimatizes problems and produces dilemmas. It does so in a practical method of funding used by government entities to get money from the state. Thus by design money gets into our hands two ways. Grant writing with a specialist getting a percentage of whatever grant Judy writes in addition to her salary and the bulk of the grant to the approved project. This process undermines representative government in regionalism because the elected State Rep and the Commissioners are often less influental then the grant writer and special interests. Property rights and protected civil rights of ownership succumb to a type of group think in unelected regional committee thus communitarianism not representative democracy or constitutional God given rights. Forget our state 's Declaration of Rights and personal freedoms. The Comprehesive Plan is subversive! The comprehensive Plan and it's companion the Greenway Plan is ground work for a more severe NewWorld Order mustering strength on the horizon. It ain't good news folks.

After scheduled business a Commission member stormed out on in a huff when we expresed our opinions. That makes me wonder if not being recorded was only an administrative mistake rather then intentional erasing. Regardless, it's not about me but the future for our children. In tough economic times like now when people are losing their homes to tax forclosure the wisdom of an alternative to oversize govenment and debt on grant money in the Borger office is ripe for consideration. I suggest the Commissioners do two things: Furlough Judy and close her office to save money. Use *the example from the Calvin Coolidge administration. This precident by the Federal Executive years ago would be a helpful model to apply here and now in the county. We need to trim our budget so let's start with defunding toxic pork.

Robert Dages

Jim Thorpe

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