According to an Associated Press story, 16 percent of illegals who crossed the border from Mexico into California in the last year escaped capture.
You're probably thinking, well, that's not too bad. That means 84 percent were caught and sent back home.
That 126 percent figure, however, equates into 85,467 people, and that's a lot.
Thanks to the Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent capture of the second suspect, the fertilizer plant story in Taxas, which killed 14 and injured 200 more, didn't get the media attention it deserved.
Some times there's too much news at one time.
The Jim Thorpe repatriation controversy is nothing more than one big family feud among Thorpe's survivors. And if they do succeed in having his remains shipped back to Oklahoma, Jim Thorpe, the town, will survive just fine.
If Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev survives, he should be tried as an enemy combatant and not as an American citizen. He forfeited that right when he planted his bomb at the Boston Marathon's finish line.
Here's a warning. Senior citizens are the leading carriers of AIDS.
Don't believe it?
Consider this.
Who, but senior citizens carry the most hearing aids, band aids, Rolaids, walking aids, medical aids, and most of all, monetary aids to their kids.
Life is like a hot bath. The longer you stay in it, the more wrinkled you become.
One of my favorite little luxuries in the world is to get up in the morning, sit down with a cup of coffee, turn on the computer and call up the night before's Major League boxscores.
And speaking of morning cups of coffee, not too long ao we had what was called a Mr. Coffee machine. You put several scoops of coffee in a filtered cone and in about 10 minutes you had a freshly brewed pot which amounted to 10 cups of coffee, more than enough for the entire day for the entire family.
Today we have a spiffy new machine called a Keurig. It's advertised as state-of-the-art coffee brewing. You insert something called a K-cup in the machine, add water and press a button. In about two minutes you have a freshly brewed cup of coffee - only one cup. If you want another cup of joe, you have to repeat the procedure. One cup, not 10. I guess you could call that progress.
Although I'm not a Red Sox fan, I've been cheering my heart out for everything Boston since the marathon bombings.
It speaks well of the Lehighton School District that it elected to honor its prior commitment to the Anthractie and Schuylkill Sports leagues, rather than accept an invitation to join the Colonial League.
Somebody got paid a lot of money to come up with the less than catchy name "College Football Playoff", something a kindergarten child could have chosen. But whatever they call the playoff, it's a long-overdue move by the NCAA to finally give the fans what they wanted - a playoff system.
Michael J. Fox is 51. Where has all the time gone? I still remember him as 19-year-old Alex P. Keaton in the "Family Ties" sitcom which aired in the late 1980s.
Fox, who has suffered from Parkinson's Disease since he was 30, will play a news anchor who's afflicted with Parkinson's this fall. The show, despite its dark theme, will be a comedy, which takes a lot of guts on his part to perform.
And speaking of age, Joe Namath turns 70 this month. Seems like only yesterday that he orchestrated the greatest upset in pro football history, when Joe's Jets beat the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III.
Two of my favorite springtime vegetables - brussel sprouts and asparagus.
Remember when school proms were held in school gyms, and kids could get by with spending less than $100 for the big event? According to a story in the San Jose Mercury, those days are gone. Today's teens will spend nearly $4 billion this year on prom-related expenses. That equates to nearly $1,000 per couple. It's expensive being young these days.
Finally, to those of you who think texting and driving is an okay thing to do, last year in Pennsylvania, there were more than 14,000 accidents that involved distracted driving. Of those accidents, 57 were fatalities.