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An education in baby

Published August 24. 2013 09:05AM

Over the last four months, my world has been flipped upside down.

Logan Joseph was born at 9:37 a.m., April 12, and since then Bob and I have been on the best roller coaster ride of our lives.

Yes, we may have lost a lot of sleep, changed a lot of clothes after diaper malfunctions, and completely transformed our schedules to revolve around this seven- (now close to 15-) pound little boy, but every minute has been worth it.

Instead of our usual routines, daily life now includes baby bottles, Diaper Genies, Ergobabies, teether toys, lullabies and Bubble Guppies (I am still not quite sure exactly what a Bubble Guppy is, but Logan likes it and that's what matters.)

So let me share with you some of the things I've learned since becoming a mom.

• The wheels on the bus really do go around and round ... and round and round ... and round and round.

• Those darn little monkeys never learn and keep jumping on the bed, even after one falls off and bops his head.

• Old McDonald must have a very noisy farm with all those animals oinking, clucking, mooing and barking here and there and everywhere.

• Mary's little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, has found its way into my son's heart. That song is one of Logan's favorites when trying to go to sleep.

• Humpty Dumpty (the small ceramic piece I received for my baby shower) had another great fall (from the shelf when I bumped him as I was trying to put a receiving blanket over my shoulder when I was sitting in the nursery) but at least he didn't break so all the king's horses and all the king's men were out of a job this time.

• The itsy bitsy spider loves to go up the rainspout, even though he gets washed out of every time it rains.

• Mobiles don't play the songs long enough. No matter how much you wind them.

• I am deathly afraid of my baby rolling in his sleep, even though he is beginning to master the art of rolling to the left from his back onto his tummy. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to sleep again in the future (maybe when he's 18! Or not.)

• Miracle Blankets really do work miracles. Logan wasn't sleeping well in a regular swaddle, mainly because he would break out of them and then startle himself awake. Once we got the Miracle Blanket, Logan began to sleep, not through the night yet, but at least longer than two hours at a time.

• I prefer Pampers over Huggies or Luvs. Don't know why, just do.

• No matter what I do to protect our son, I am still going to worry about EVERYTHING! I think that comes with being a mom.

• Logan is growing up way too quickly. Over the last few weeks, he has found his tongue, mastered rolling from back to tummy on his left side, found his hands (and doesn't keep them out of his mouth), and started "talking" and laughing a lot more.

• Don't let people fool you, breastfed baby poop really does stink after a few months. Recently, every time Logan passes gas (and he does that often and very loudly) it smells horrible. I'm not looking forward to when he starts solids and it really starts smelling bad.

• I have an addiction to buying clothes baby clothes that is. I can't seem to stop buying Logan every cute outfit I see. His closet has more clothes in it than both our closets combined.

• And most importantly, family really is everything. I want to personally thank our parents for being such a big part in Logan's life. Without their help with watching him when we are at work, I don't know what we would do.

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