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New recycling staff member

Published August 31. 2013 09:00AM

Dear Editor:

If you were not yet made aware, Carbon County has a new recycling person on staff. His name is David Bodnar and he works in the County Planning office. This information was announced at the SWAC (Solid Waste Advisory Committee) meeting held on August 21, 2013.

David told everyone in attendance, all six of us, that the County Commissioners appointed him and recycling was his new job priority.

Ok, let me get this straight. The Commissioners eliminated the department of Solid Waste (Recycling), laid off a DEP, Penn State and PROP Certified "Senior Recycling Official" and closed all recycling programs. Now, they appoint a new recycling official (without officially doing anything at a Commissioners' meeting) who has no training and who is half the age and salary of one who had nearly 20 years' experience. Why? Was it Age Discrimination or was it Political Retribution?

Commissioners Nothstein, Gerhard and O'Gurek were all at this meeting. Perhaps if they showed a little more interest a year or more ago (instead of wasting time raising our property taxes 48%, doubling the parking rates in Jim Thorpe and playing politics) the residents and community leaders throughout the county would not have been left blowing in the wind. I'll tell you what it's time to eliminate… the political "nice-nice to your face while we stick it to you" attitude of the three kings of Carbon County… Little common sense but plenty of political patronage.

Although there is much more to say, we will reserve that for later. But, for now, let me suffice by saying it's time for new County Commissioners… you can't do any worse!

Duane A. Dellecker, SCRP


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