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Opposed to proposed state regulations

Published December 23. 2013 05:01PM


Subject: HB 1608 & SB1121

The proposed HB1608, by Rep. Warren Kampf, would eliminate traditional telephone service. Sadly legislators who propose these bills do not listen to what people have to say on how they would be affected.

There were many seniors like me calling and expressing concerns with examples of how they would be affected. [The bill would allow phone companies to eliminate land line service.]

Somehow when things like this happen it's not for the well-being of people but for the well-being of companies and legislators.

This industry must not be de-regulated. We must keep PUC control in place.

Another subject was SB1121, electric suppliers. This is an attempt to eliminate one's default supplier of electric service and allow it to be auctioned off as if we were slaves to the highest bidder.

It seems like an attempt for government finding another way to tax us. With electric companies paying the state $100 for each acquired customer, they will just find a way to pass this expense along to us customers. I for one

do not want to be told who will supply my electric service.

Let's do something positive and get these guys on board to eliminate property taxes and do something good for once to help PA grow again.

Please contact your Pa state representatives and tell them to vote NO should any of these bills ever come for a vote.


George White

Towamensing Township

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