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Christmas party a big success

Published December 28. 2013 09:00AM

Dear Editor,

I would like to take this time to remind the people of Lansford that we have some very wonderful people and organizations in our town. I would like to say thank you to a few of our friends who made the 2013 Lansford Townhouses Christmas Party a huge success.

Thank you to the American Fire Company No. 1 for delivering Santa to our door.

Thank you to the Lansford Alive Committee for providing a wonderful Santa.

Thank you to Marie Ondrus who coordinated our Santa visit and delivered some delicious treats for our party.

Thank you to the wonderful tenants of Lansford Townhouses who cooked, shopped, wrapped and organized this event.

I am so grateful for these kind and caring people and organizations.

Tammy Anthony

Site Manager

Lansford Townhouses

100 Lansford Court

Lansford, PA 18232

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