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A letter to our son

Published February 16. 2013 09:03AM

For some of you who may not know, Bob and I are expecting our first child this April.

As we prepare the house, I sit down and think about all the things I want to make sure we teach our son as he begins his journey.

A letter to our son:

I love you dearly even though we have not met yet,

But your dad and I look forward to getting to finally meet you.

We will love you as best we can

and to the best of our ability.

We will make sure you are cared for,

But we cannot promise there won't be bumps along the way.

We may stumble in our parenting skills,

But we will strive to be there for you always.

As the years go by and you get older

You will find that we don't always agree.

Remember, times may get tough and you will not always like us

Maybe because we are too strict

Or maybe because you feel we should be more of a friend rather than a parent.

But, no matter what, we will always love you.

We will be parental figures more so than a friend.

We will scold or ground you for things you do wrong

But only because we love you.

We will hold you tight when you stumble

And pick you up when you fall.

We will go to the ends of the earth for you

But we will make sure you understand how to be responsible.

We will teach you life lessons

Like being a good person

And knowing when to say I'm sorry.

We will also teach you to be self sufficient

Like how to do your own laundry,

Wash the dishes,

Make your bed,

And run the vacuum.

We will teach you to respect your elders;

As well as your peers.

We will show you how to love

And how to be fair.


Because we love you.

We will support you when it comes to following your dreams

No matter what they are.

We will teach you patience and kindness

And how to lose gracefully,

Share with others,

Manage your time,

And learn the difference between right and wrong.

Your father will show you the importance of saving money,

So when you are old enough, you will not need to pinch pennies just to get by.

He will also show you the importance of putting the toilet seat down

And being honest with a woman.

We will stress the importance of never being the bully

Because words can be hurtful;

More so than physical violence.

But, remember never throw the first punch either just because you think it's the right thing to do.

It's not.

We will guide you through your life,

Raise you Catholic

And teach you how to pray.


Because we love you.

We will give you every opportunity to excel in life

So when you are old enough to be on your own, you will know what to do.

Please take these lessons and use them wisely,

Especially when choosing a partner for life

Because kindness, love and compassion go farther in a relationship than empty words and broken promises.

And above all else, remember that no matter what

We will love you, now and forever.


Your Mom and Dad

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