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Why eliminate property taxes?

Published February 23. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

Anyone who lives in the Palmerton Area School district knows the answer to the question.

The article by the Palmerton School board in Wednesday's Times-News,(2-19-2013) states that we are in for another continuing round of Property Tax increases. By a unanimous vote of the School board they have again voted for the maximum allowed and in addition are proceeding to ask the Pennsylvania Department of Education for an exception to increase that amount even higher.

It as quite apparent that the directors are not on a fixed income and do not have to watch how there monies are used to live. When one pays nearly of their Social Security in Property taxes it becomes tougher each year. We get a 1.7 percent increase from Social Security and the School board wants a 2.3 percent increase, plus any exceptions by the PDE.

Last month business director, Diane Serfass told the board her recommendations was to raise taxes to the full index, and to apply for any exceptions it qualifies for. The only exception it qualifies for is the retirement exception she said.

This whole retirement fiasco came about years ago during the Ridge administration and followed through all administrations when the state did not contribute to the retirement fund. Now they pass it on down to local school boards to make up for our legislators actions.

Show your support by contacting your State Legislators and tell them to pass HB76 and SB76 for the Tax Independence Act that will Eliminate Property Taxes once and for all.

George White


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