Polk news
Salem St. Paul's Lutheran Church
SSP Roller Skating Party for their youth and families is Sunday Jan. 20, at LaRosa Skating Rink from 4-6 p.m. Bring your own roller or inline skates or they will be provided for you. Sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office or call Maribeth Dudak at (570) 722-2992.
SSP Altar Guild
Altar Guild members at Salem St. Paul Church are asked to sign up to serve on the guild for 2013. If possible please sign up for two months during the year. New members are needed and welcomed.
The schedule is posted on the wall in the sacristy. A job description is available and training is provided. Please see Pat Held or Sue Potts with any questions.
Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network
PVEN needs new school socks white, black or blue, and it is also in need of new underwear, all sizes. Please contact the church office at (610) 681-6691.