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Throwing tantrums

Published January 05. 2013 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to the Packerton Yards battle which still continues.

Commissioner Bill O'Gurek didn't bother me for several years after the saga and now continues to bring me up at Commissioner meetings. What I and many taxpayers would like to know is how much his pension is going to cost us every month? Especially with the extra four years he got by default after the taxpayers had enough and voted him out. I'd like for everyone to read a ruling by the Supreme Court which states:

"We have recognized this right to petition as one of the most precious of the liberties safeguarded by the Bill of Rights," Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote for the Court, "and have explained that the right is implied by the very idea of a government, republican in form."

O'Connor further observed that the First Amendment petition clause says nothing about success in petitioning "it speaks simply of the right of the people to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

All I was doing was redressing the local government from wasting taxpayer dollars on a white elephant. Property development should be funded by private not public dollars.

So in closing I just ask for Mr. O'Gurek to move on to something new. For eight years he kept Commissioner Nothstein in the dark and now that he is not "King of the hill" he continues to throw tantrums instead of being grateful he still has job.


Tom Zimmerman IV


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