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Walking made tough

Published January 05. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

It's me again, the walker. I was unable to walk the towpath due to the amount of snow this week. I don't own a pair of snowshoes, so I decided to walk from Weissport to Lehighton and get in at least one or two miles of exercise.

Well, I didn't get too far when I ran into problems. I guess the Borough of Weissport has no ordinance regarding clean sidewalks in winter. In fact I encountered one walkway that dumped water from the downspout onto the sidewalk and created major ice problems.

Then came the bridge! I don't know who, if anybody is responsible to clean the walkways on the bridges, because both bridges were impassable except to walk in the street. I saw one old guy (older than me) who was attempting to cross on the walkway and was having major problems moving.

As I entered Lehighton there were many residences that were either negligent or abandoned and had snow and ice on the sidewalks. I had to walk in the street. (Try this on Bankway!) I know there are many old people as well as less fortunate in Weissport who have no vehicle or taxi fare, and need to walk to Lehighton. They need some consideration. As for me…I am going to invest in a pair of cross-country skis and stay out of town!

As always,

Richard M. Gross


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