Mistaketo saving grace
Dear Editor:
First, allow me to introduce myself; I am Dr. Thomas Paul Walker, Jr. Earthling. I take no political sides. Politics is a game. Frankly, I suck at games.
I am a Research and Development Alchemist for Bogosh Walker Technologies. It is our family business established in 2005. The purpose of the business is not so much as a financial gain means, but more so to foster growth in technological and physical comprehension of the planet we all reside on for the good of the all and not for just the many.
Some time ago a community in Pennsylvania's Anthracite Coal region suffered a tragic loss. The community itself. There are many stories but it is generally believed that a careless outdoor burning of rubbish set off an unearthed vein of anthracite coal into a blaze that shall burn for generations.
The community was disassembled but some pieces of it remains. Some still call Centralia home.
I see a Geothermal Power Station.
One does not possess the means to extinguish the mine fire but one may capture that energy and put it to use.
Ponder the vast amount of employment that is to be had. The tax base to be increased.....just because someone made a mistake.
Humans of the coal regions, ponder the benefits of using this energy source. It is by far not a permanent solution but it sure is a freely available one for the interim huh?
Speak together at your meetings. Talk among your acquaints who are engineers or geologists and scientists. You should talk with your lawyers too.
Whatever you have to do. It's just an idea.
Be well.
Dr. Thomas P.Walker, Jr.