What would Jesus say?
Dear Editor:
I really enjoyed Ron Gower's article in the Early Times dated Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012, What would Jesus say to shooter Adam Lanza if he ended up in heaven?"
You were right to say that no one really knows, but I think there are several factors involved.
One - Jesus loves children so much that He tells us in the Bible that we are to become childlike in order to enter the Kingdom of God.
Two - When someone in the Bible asks Jesus, "How many times must I forgive?" Jesus answers "70 x 7." In other words, we need to forgive one another in order for Jesus to forgive us.
Three - A lot of so-called Christians think that because they believe what is in the Bible they will be saved and have everlasting life. WRONG!
We're go to walk - the - walk and talk - the - talk. We are sinful creatures everyday of our lives you CANNOT take Jesus for granted. We need to ask Him for forgiveness every day. So, if a person is a prostitute all of their life and they ask Jesus for forgiveness on their DEATH BED, to forgive them; they will go to heaven.
Four - I believe all of the above, as well as, the idea of hell. Let us not forget that God created Satan as an angel who wanted to rule the world.
God said "No," but told Satan he could rule the underworld and all that is evil.
I believe there is a hell. Hell is for people like Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Momar Kadafi, etc.
Possibly we may include Adam Lanza.
If he didn't ask for forgiveness then I believe he's in Hell and would not speak with Jesus.
If he did ask for forgiveness, then he's with Jesus.
Jesus loves all His father's creations and promises us eternal life, but we need to ask for it.
So Ron, what would Jesus say? If Adam is forgiven, Jesus will say, "Come on In."
Corrie Miller,
Jim Thorpe