Weissport thefts
Weissport Borough Council was told last night that someone has stolen keys to a police cruiser and a dump truck. The culprits also cut the wires on a lawn mower.
A member of the council immediately took the initiative and changed the locks on the door, spending $460 that the tiny municipality surely doesn't have budgeted and could have used on something more constructive.
It likely the borough will also have to pay for new ignitions in the police car and truck.
Were the thefts reported to the state police? Although Weissport has its own police department, he works only part-time. Since it involves a police car, an outside agency should be advised.
In fact, a complete investigation should occur with a full report given to the borough council at its next meeting.
Because someone who is unauthorizied has keys to two borough vehicles, it means both are prone for more problems.
We often hear of people impersonating police officers and pulling individuals over for the fun of it. Having the keys to a police car makes it even more dangerous for the general public.
The fear not only is of stealing the cruiser, but using the key to enter the police car and steal equipment from it - maybe even a firearm.
Did somebody break into the borough hall? If not, then it was obviously someone with a key that did the thefts.
Could it have been a former employee? Is there a policy regarding former workers and former council members turning in their keys? Is there an inventory regarding who has keys to the building.
Then there's the vandalism to the lawn mower. Besides having wires cut, a power box was stolen.
What possesses individuals from doing such nonsense? Who does it benefit when such vandalism occurs?
We know who it hurts. The taxpayers of the borough.
The council immediately has to take whatever security measures are necessary to make sure such thefts and vandalism don't happen again.
Meanwhile, the police cruiser especially needs a new ignition as soon as possible.
State police should be contacted about what happened and be asked to assist in the investigation.
Hopefully the low lifes who did the deed will be caught and held responsible.