Tamaqua news
Board of Health
The Tamaqua Board of Health held its July meeting with Randolph Gormley, Earl Boettger, James Gormley, Shirley Becker, Health Officer Judith Hadesty R.N. and Code Enforcement Officer Mitch Geist in attendance.
Geist reported making two spot check inspections. He also received and adjusted 43 complaints: one leaking sewer; two buildings condemned as unfit for human habitation; two dog waste; and 38 trash complaints. There were no cases of reportable diseases for the month.
The board reminded residents that dog owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets.
Violations should be reported to Tamaqua Borough Hall, (570) 668-3444. Please provide the place, date, time and name of the dog's owner. Citations will then be filed through the office of District Magistrate Stephen Bayer.
High school parking
The Tamaqua Area School District will have 67 parking spaces available for senior class members for the 2013-2014 school year. Applications will be available the week of July 15, at the senior high school office. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Completed forms must be returned to the senior high office no later than July 30.
A lottery will be held Aug. 6 to determine which students receive a parking permit as well as space assignments. Students will then be notified by mail. Permits will be issued from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Aug. 12.
Senior citizens
The Tamaqua Senior Citizens group met June 27 at the Masonic Lodge in Hometown, with 66 members in attendance. President Jean Machamer conducted the business session.
Jacque Patrick provided an inspirational reading, titled "Welcome Fourth of July." It was announced that the group's treasurer had resigned. Reports were given by the secretary and vice president. Joan Hornik was added to the sick list.
Prior to the business session, a representative from the attorney general's office provided information on ways to avoid and deal with identity theft.
The meeting concluded with cards and social games.
The seniors meet at 1 p.m. every Thursday, at the Masonic Lodge, located on SR54 (East) in Hometown. Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join. The center is handicap accessible.
SS. Peter and Paul
The Holy Name Society of SS. Peter and Paul Church will meet at 8 p.m. this Thursday. Prior to the business session, a Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 p.m.
Bethany EC
The Rev. Kevin Roberts will officiate at the 8 a.m. traditional service this Sunday in Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church. A contemporary service will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Tamaqua YMCA. Sunday school is held at 9:15 a.m., at the church.
Also on Sunday, set up for Vacation Bible School will begin at 12:30 p.m.; monthly service at the Tamaqua ABC Hi Rise will be held at 6 p.m.
Activities for next week will include: Tuesday, Playground Pals at 11:30 a.m. at the South Ward Playground; Wednesday, Waterside Whistle Stop at 2:30 p.m. at the Bungalow, Vacation Bible School closing program at 7 p.m., followed by clean up; Saturday, musician practice at 8 a.m., praise rehearsal at 9:30 a.m.
St. Peter's Union
Sunday worship services are held at 9 a.m. in St. Peter's Union Church, Mantzville. This Sunday's service will include a Joyous Noise Offering. Summer Sunday School will be held at 10:15 a.m. Also on Sunday, the church board will meet at 10:45 a.m.
Activities for next week include: Monday, kitchen krew will met at 7 p.m.; Thursday, prayer group meets at 4:45 p.m.