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One lucky lady

Published July 22. 2013 05:05PM

A picture of an elderly couple in bathing suits and bathing caps was floating around on Facebook this week.

I thought that the quote portrayed on it by actress Joanne Woodward was really cute and spot on. It said, "Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh everyday, ah, now that's a real treat."

One of the things that first attracted me to my husband (aside from his dashing good looks) was his sense of humor and the sound of his laughter.

He is always the goofy one while I tend to be more reserved.

Many are the times that I shake my head at just how ridiculous he can be, but ultimately, I always come up smiling.

Last weekend we actually had the opportunity to head out for an afternoon date and went to see Grown Ups 2 at the Angela Theatre in Coaldale. I was tired and really did not want to leave the house but since I couldn't remember the last time it was just the two of us, I relented.

While the movie was definitely funny (and I recommend it to anyone in need of a laugh), what made it even funnier was listening to my husband's laughter throughout the whole film.

I haven't been feeling very well lately due to some ongoing health issues and that, combined with the oppressive heat, has left me feeling exhausted and down right cranky.

Wednesday night I was particularly miserable and wanted nothing more than to eat my dinner in peace and then go to bed early; however, as I sat there I was interrupted by the buzzing sound of a large fly circling above me. Then, there was another, and another and still, another.

I was starting to feel as if I was in a scene from "The Amityville Horror," which really creeped me out, needless to say.

Now, in order for you to appreciate what happens next, you must know two things:

One, my husband does not like the dog. He makes it very clear, everyday.

"I hate you, dog," is one of his favorite utterances.

Two, both of them share a passionate hatred for flies and will obsess (and I do mean obsess) over trying to kill them.

So there I am, sitting at the table when all of a sudden on one side is my husband jumping up and down and in a volleyball-spiking-type action, swatting away at the flies while on the other side of me is Spencer, who is also jumping in the air but contorting his body like some champion Frisbee-catching dog while snapping away at them loudly with his teeth.

I sit there in the midst of the madness and wish that I had my camera close by to videotape the scene so that I could post it on YouTube.

This goes on for several minutes and when both are unsuccessful, my husband chides the dog and then grabs a spray bottle of water (in an attempt to spritz them to death, I guess) while pointing to the ceiling and telling Spencer to "Get 'em, boy!" as if he could jump that high.

And as I watch my two silly boys united in an attempt to destroy their common enemy, I smile and think back on Ms. Woodward's quote and realize just how lucky of a woman I truly am.

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