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Chestnuthill column

Published July 24. 2013 05:03PM

School supplies

Effort UMW is collecting school supplies to be given to current food pantry clients and church members who have a need for assistance. Sign-up for school supplies will be July 27, during food pantry hours.

The only distribution will be at the food pantry Saturday, Aug. 10.

Blood drives

Our Lady Queen of Peace, Gilbert, is hosting an American Red Cross blood drive on July 31, from 1-6 p.m. To set up an appointment call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville continues to host mobile blood drives for Miller-Keystone Blood Center. That drive is also on Wednesday, July 31, from noon-6 p.m.

The library will have another collection date, from noon-6 p.m., on Wednesday, Aug. 7, and every August Wednesday through Aug. 21.

To make an appointment, call or contact Deb Otto at (610) 691-5850, ext. 1227 or

Special speaker

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Social Justice Committee is hosting Sharlene Gilbert, director of the Re-Entry Program of Monroe County, at a meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, July 31.

The mission statement of the Re-entry Program is: Recruit, assist and equip people and families with resources in Monroe County to transition those ex-offenders who want to stay out of prison and effectively re-enter the community.

Six days a week

The Western Pocono Community Library is open six days a week, beginning at 9 a.m. each day and going to 5 p.m., with extended hours to 8 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Saturdays the hours are 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.

On Sundays and major holidays the library is closed.

Coming home

Effort UMC's REACH Mission group left last Saturday for Johns Island, S.C.

They are expected back on Sunday, July 28, with many tales of what happened during this mission outing.

Meetings continue

Monroe Seniors continue to meet at Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville despite it being summer. The next meetings will be at 9 a.m., Friday, July 26, and Wednesday, July 31.

Free concert

The West End Park & Open Space Commission and Chestnuthill Township will host "sage" at the Chestnuthill Park, Route 715, Brodheadsville, at 6 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 18, as part of the free summer concert series.

The group performs an eclectic mix of contemporary, rock, pop and the blues featuring Maria Pennello and Phil Carollo.

For more information one can contact Bernie Kozen, executive director, West End Park & Open Space Commission, at or (570) 992-9733 or go to

Lioness meet

Western Pocono Lioness Club will next meet at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 27.

On the club agenda, after preparing a group exhibit for the West End Fair, is working toward the club's annual luncheon and fashion show in September.

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