From the former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner to Barack Obama's floundering presidency to the economic disaster of bankrupt Detroit, it's not been a positive news week, and especially for those Democratic candidates waging campaigns in the mid=term elections.
Weiner was given a chance to run for the New York mayor's seat after being caught sexting in 2011 with numerous women and an underage girl. He resigned from the U.S. Senate in disgrace. This week, we found that he is not only a pervert but a chronic liar.
After hearing transcripts of the latest Weiner sexting, it was disgusting. Donald Trump has called him "a sick puppy." That label might be too kind.
Just as in the first case, after being caught, Weiner tried to lie his way out, much like President Bill Clinton did in his sexual escapade with intern Monica Lewinsky.
In an interview with People Magazine one year ago, Weiner claimed he was a changed man - in his words "a very, very different person." He also said in the interview that he sought professional counseling but wouldn't go into detail except to say that "it helped." Now we learn that even while Weiner was promoting himself as a changed family man, he was still chasing a young girl, and the sexual conversations were going on as late as last August. There was even reports of a sex condo in Chicago.
If Weiner stays in the race for New York City mayor or if he ever enters another election, it will not only continue to disgrace him and his family, but also the Democratic party, the city and the people stupid enough to vote for him. About the only people standing to gain from such a media circus would be the talk show hosts, who would be supplied with material for years.
While Weiner's life has become a national disgrace, the city of Detroit has become a train wreck on a municipal scale. In his first term, President Obama bragged about refusing to allow Detroit to go bankrupt and how it would be resurrected. Now we know it's impossible to rescue the city from 50 years of Democratic ruin under the influence of heavy-handed, greed-driven unions. If Detroit is given another Obama bailout, there will be other cities in distress lining up for their handouts.
The third major disgrace of the week for Democrats was the economic speech by Obama at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. In his rambling message, Obama accused the Repulbican-controlled congress for focusing on "pretend scandals" and not passing his massive federal spending programs, led by Obamacare. Later, that became the administration's phrase of the day as press secretary Jay Carney and others kept repeating it.
Minimizing the investigations surrounding the privacy issue, the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS, the murders of four Americans in Libya, and the government's gun running scandal called Fast and Furious, should infuriate every American.
This administration should realize by the president's plummeting poll numbers that Americans are losing trust in this government. Trying to deflect from the truth by calling the scandals "phony" or "pretend" isn't helping the president's credibility.
It's certainly not "phony" to the families of the Americans slain in Benghazi, or to the Americans who have had their personal records invaded.
By Jim Zbick