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No bad dogs, but bad dog owners

Published June 15. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor

I missed Mr. Terry Ahner 's first column about pit bulls.

I have read the comment of Mr. Verne Urban . And I think it is wrong to bad mouth these dogs.

I learned that there are no bad dogs but bad dog owners.

There is a sweet natured pit bull in my neighborhood and that's because her owner taught her that. I have worked with a pit bull who was rescued from dog fighting - she couldn't be with other dogs but she adored all people and cats.

Now on that day she was brought in, a couple signed over their two pits, both dogs were never trained properly they were a holy terrors, clearly this couple did the right thing as they had no clue on how to train these dogs.

If you take the time and learn about these dogs, go to dog training classes, they can be a great family pet .

And all dogs have claws and teeth, it's the person who is responsible for that animal. If you can't deal with that then do us a favor and don't get a dog .

Cordially yours,

Mrs Betsy Murphy

Jim Thorpe

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