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Poor decision

Published June 18. 2013 05:02PM

Once again the liberal Supreme Court judges did a disservice to Amrican citizens.

Yesterday, the High Court ruled that states can't make people prove their citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections unless they get federal or court approval to do so.

The court action was in response to Arizona law which required an Arizona driver's license, issued after 1996, a U.S. birth certificate, a passport, or other similar document before the state would approve the federal registration application.

What a blow to citizens!

There is absolutely no reason non-citizens should be permitted to vote in any election. How many other countries would let Americans, who are non citizens, vote in their elections?

Common sense says this is a bad decision.

Leadership in the U.S. is based on voter response from its citizens. Election officials need all the tools necessary to assure that it is Americans who decide their representatives, and NOBODY else.

Of course, Supreme Court members don't have to worry about the voters. They're appointed, not elected.

What would our forefathers have to say about the current Supreme Court decision? Was this their intention when they created election laws?

What's next? Will non-citizens soon be able to hold office?

What a pathetic situation. This has nothing to do with closing doors on immigrants or not welcoming them to become citizens. This has to do with voting, whereby Americans select their representatives in local, county, state, and federal government.

It's one element which only citizens should be eligible for participation.

Until they take the steps to become citizens, immigrants shouldn't be allowed to vote and election officials should have any tool necessary to verify their eligibility.

Isn't it something that states are requiring photo ID to prevent voter fraud, but the Supreme Court says such proof is not valid for determining true eligibility.

Voting is a serious matter. The Supreme Court judges obviously don't think so. At least not when it comes to Americans' responsibility.


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