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Honor our flag

Published June 22. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

There was a time when Americans honored their Flag.

There was a time when we taught our young about their Flag and how to honor it in our schools.

The Flag Flies over government buildings, in cemeteries and places of honor. We put Flags at graves of Veterans. We pledge to it and we salute it.

We are born under it, some of us go to the service under it, some of us are buried under it.

Some of us are proud of it.

Some just forget we followed it into battles, we died defending it. Now people are no longer honoring it. Sure they talk but they don't honor it.

The Carbon County Navy Club has a Free honor the Flag program for any group 25 to 125 people. We even go into schools and show it.

We don't burn the Flag of other countries. But we allow them to burn ours. There used to be honor, now even some Veterans are losing it.

There is no honor anymore!

When I drive around and see faded and torn Flags. When I pass a house on East Hazard St. in SummitHill and see all their Flags flown upside down. When after Veteran Organizations - Scouting Organizations - Police and Fire Organizations and civilians and the Media all who were invited to have their Flags Blessed on Flag Day.

The only ones to show were Jim Thorpe Legion, Veterans Affairs, The Navy Club of Carbon County and a couple of civilians. I can say there is no more Honor and This Country is going to Hell. Well that ends the Flag Blessing in Carbon County and there was nothing else for the Flag.

I'm really sorry these organizations were too busy to send a person to Hold A Flag for maybe 20 minutes or even 30 minutes.

I want to thank those who showed and feel sorry for those who lost what they once had.

I remain,

Robert (Ski) Siesputowski


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