Out of step
While Harvey was a good solider, he didn't march all that well and consequently at parade time he was positioned in the rear of the platoon.
His problem was, that as a youth, he was used to crossing cornfields two rows at a time and that didn't blend in with the military's ideal of a 40 inch step. On one particular parade day Harvey's mom was standing by the reviewing stand near the big brass and as Harvey's unit "passed in review" she proudly exclaimed in a loud voice "Just look at that, everybody's out-of-step but my Harvey."
Enter the Castagnera's: Everybody's out of step but them ... the Papacy's out-of-step, the Vatican (with all their theologians) are out-of-step and of course the faithful followers are out-of-step. I'm wondering when it first dawned on the Castagnera's that there were instep while all the rest of us poor souls are out-of-step! Is it because of their superior intellect that they can perch themselves on such a high loft and tell so many of the rest of us about their brilliant beliefs? I don't think they would be vain enough to admit that they figured these brilliant beliefs out all by themselves, but on never knows! They'd probably say that some superior intellect passed it on to them and they consider it their prime duty to relay it to the rest of us poor uneducated souls.
On their June 1, 2013 news article the Castagnera's, not finding anything to critique the current Pope with, went back over 500 years to find some dirt. These people are on a mission. They probably figure that the undereducated like ourselves never heard of some of the Papal unpleasantries of the past, so they were duty bound to let us know.
They also stated that "they were unimpressed" that as a Cardinal, Pope Francis rode a bus to work. Did it ever occur to the Castagnera's that maybe just maybe that Pope Francis wasn't trying to impress them. And finally, Jim and Claire, maybe you could share with us what your religious beliefs are? That ought to be interesting.
One would think that by now with all the outstanding rebuttals by Frank Chickilly, Jim Gmitter and many others that they would get the message that every time they attack the Pope, someone's going to rebut them in a magnificent manner. Here's hoping they soon get the message. If they don't get it they're reminiscent of the guy who keeps banging his head on the wall and then wonders where his headaches are coming from.
A former employee of "Tab" Castagnera and also one of his admirers,
John Huber
560 West 10th St.
Jim Thorpe